Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 19...Testimony.



Well today has been quite the adventure. We went to La Carlota and had a zone activity. We went to some falls, so got some good hiking in which was good. It rained today so it was way cool! If it was like that all the time I would just love life! haha It's always so hot. But it's all good. 


I've been working on some voice clips for you all but you wont be getting them until after Mother's Day when I call you! So just a test of patience is all. Just trying to work hard here. 


We had a much better week this week. We have one investigator his name is Bbol. He is amazing. He always asks us when we are gonna come back to him. He was so excited to get a Book of Mormon. He apologized to God for not going to church yesterday in the prayer last night. 


I was thinking about it. and i realized those are the kinds of people I came here for. To find the elect of God that He has prepared for me to meet and teach. I see the change he wants in his heart. He is searching for forgiveness and we are here to bring him that message of the atonement of Christ and the plan of happiness that was created to help us on our way to heaven. Through the atonement of Christ true happiness is found. I have found that through my experiences in my life. 


When Joseph Smith was in Liberty Jail, the Lord told him these things would be for your experience and will be for your good. I have experienced that same thing and I know with all my being that the Savior lives that he redeems us always and forever. There is nothing greater than the love of our God and his Son. We only can understand a little bit of that love, this is something I learned from my friend Tom Mack and a story he shared with me. 


Family and friends that are reading this, I pray with all my heart that you will always remember that God loves you and wants you to return to him. All we have to do is show our faith, repent always, be baptized, and endure to the end by following the commandments of God and living the highest standards we can, always doing our best. I know that to be true with all my heart might mind and strength. And I pray that you will also someday if you haven't yet. I love you all and I leave you all with this message in the name of our beloved Savior and redeemer even Jesus Christ -amen.


-Elder Heaton

*****More Pictures!*****

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